Monday, February 20, 2012

Early 2012

Gathering items I currently have open:

Programming Style and Your Brain (1 hr YouTube, good advice)
Looks like Google would have let me make a quick $25 on my workstation at the office (or anywhere else privacy's a non-issue) (via /.)
Exciting-looking jazz bootleg site
Free AI class I ran out of time for (over, instruction seemed to confuse more than enlighten me - although I'd taken a previous AI class covering the same material)
/.: More free Stanford CS courses
Udacity: online ed startup from same Stanford prof
simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) project
Over the Rhine's recommended album/movies/literature list
Images of Memphis' Sun Studio (good LEGO building fodder?)
Jarchives Shut down (what will take its place?)


I'm doing this for a number of reasons, sadly, none of which really involve public consumption.
For one, I need a way to note interesting items to refer back to. Saving a to-do list on one computer isn't good enough anymore (I'll need to see it elsewhere sooner or later). Google Reader's Shared Items feature used to be useful to me, but Google seems determined to butcher all of their other services to promote Google Plus.

I'm not thrilled about investing more time into Blogger knowing that Google could hack up Blogger the same way they did Reader, but it's better than nothing. I also like knowing that the odds of Google going out of business are very low. This insignificant note could be here for decades if Google keeps offering Blogger the same way. Sure, delicious could be better for saving interesting links, but the odds of them suddenly disappearing are much higher.

This also will be widely scattered, at random, across topics that catch my eye. That probably won't be terribly useful to anyone else, but the idea is to grab things on any topic of interest to me. It's not for you, it's for me. Sorry.